
Treating the Whole Person

Aug 3, 2023 | Insights and Highlights

When we look at how person-centered services should be delivered to the mental and behavioral health population who are substance users, looking at PROS Clinics might be the answer. Personalized Recovery Oriented Services, known as PROS are essential to the growth and recovery of an individual.  A PROS program, located at Consumer Services of Madison County, helps participants to follow “personalized recovery plans” designed to achieve overall wellness by meeting goals such as living independently, education, medication management, and securing employment.

Though there are several PROS programs throughout New York State, we have one located here in Central NY, in Madison County.  This clinic has been in existence since NY State began institutionalizing and decriminalizing mental health almost 50 years ago.  This has been a long-term, ongoing effort that sought to end large-scale institutions for people with mental disorders and transition to smaller, regional community centers, such as PROS.

The PROS clinic in Oneida is an intensive short-term treatment program intended to move individuals forward in their lives. We believe recovery is possible for everyone. This new and unique treatment program is open to individuals in Madison, Oneida, and Herkimer County.  A multidisciplinary set of services is offered by a team of social workers, psychiatrists, nurses, employment peer and entitlements professionals, and creative arts specialists. Sessions focus on relapse prevention, medication management and wellness, nutrition, and social functioning.

Support groups with other participants have always been at the center of the PROS model – they help participants find ways to take control of their lives and meet goals related to education, employment, relationships, and housing.

Over the years, peer support has become more important in PROS programs – learning from people with lived experience has proven to be another critical tool, but the proof is in the outcomes.  PROS clinics repeatedly demonstrate that participation in PROS clinics leads to a significant decrease in psychiatric hospitalizations – showing that maintaining this type of psychiatric rehabilitation model must include recovery-oriented components as PROS does so effectively.  PROS Clinic Oneida